Title : Bhadamohiya Naam at Kaliapani Sakha Satra
Details :
Like previous years, this year also SriSri Auniati Satra at Kaliapani, Teok is organizing a month-long Naam Prasanga, Deeha Naam, and Sanskrit Bhagawat recitation and explanation by SriSri Satradhikar Prabhu Dr. Pitambar Dev Goswami at the Satra Naamghar premises at Kaliapani every day from 1 Bhada. There will also be special programs and celebrations on Krishna Janmashtami, Tithi of Mahapurus SriSri Sankardev, and Tithi of Mahapurus SriSri Madhavdev during the period. All devotees are cordially invited to participate in the programs wholeheartedly and get themselves blessed from the Satradhikar and Sri Govinda Mahaprabhu on this auspicious month of Bhadra.